Patrick W. Binning is a Whiting School of Engineering instructor in the Space Systems Engineering program. He leads instruction for 675.734 The Fundamentals of Celestial and Orbital Mechanics, 675.781 The Physics of Space Security. He co-instructs 675.701 Applications of Space Systems Engineering.

He was the mission area executive for National Security Space at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory from 2016 to 2025. In this role, he was responsible for APL programs that focused on space solutions to critical national security challenges. National Security Space, one of 13 mission areas at APL, provides innovative engineering, advanced technology development, and technical advice to organizations in the national security community.

Staff members working in National Security Space develop and conduct innovative experimental missions, build space instruments, and produce applications to meet warfighter and intelligence community needs. The mission area leverages expertise and accomplishments from the Laboratory’s civilian space programs to address national security space capability gaps and needs. It also collaborates with other APL mission areas that share a deep understanding of intelligence community and warfighter challenges.

Binning was the Program Chair of the Space Systems Engineering program in the Whiting School of Engineering from 2017 to 2025. He led the program through a period of tremendous growth. At the time he took over the program in 2017, the program had about 150 students, 7 courses, and 10 faculty. At the team he left in 2025, the program had over 600 active students, 43 courses, and over 50 faculty.

Binning has over 30 years of experience in program management, research and development, technology transfer, satellite operations, and executive management in the field of aerospace.

Binning joined APL in 2014, after serving as head of the Mission Management Office at the Naval Research Laboratory. He also has managed programs and directed research for the Missile Defense Agency, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the National Reconnaissance Office, and has served as fellow in the Federal Department of Commerce Science and Technology Fellowship program.

Binning holds doctorate and master’s degrees in aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado, Boulder and a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Binning is a recognized domain expert and presents and speaks regularly at national and international space and missile defense symposiums and conferences.


Education History

  • B S, Aerospace Engineering, University of Cincinnati
  • M S, Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado
  • Ph D, Aerospace Engineering, University of Colorado

Work Experience

Lecturer, JHU Whiting School of Engineering


Binning, P., “Defining Moment’s in NRL’s Project Vanguard,” Proceedings of AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Galveston, TX., 2008.
Binning, P., “End of an Era,” Space Sentinel Journal, Summer Edition, 2007.
Binning, P., Middour, J.W., “A Brief History of NRL’s Early Firsts in Spaceflight,” Proceedings of AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Meeting, Mackinac Island, MI., 2007.
Highsmith, D.E., Binning, P., “Design and Test of an Algorithm for Satellite-to-Satellite Time Transfer,” Proceedings of ION GPS Meeting, Salt Lake City, Ut., 2000.
Middour, J.W., Souka, M., Dasenbrock, R., Melvin, P., Pickard, H., Binning, P., “Orbit/Covariance Estimation and Analysis (OCEAN) Determination for Satellites,” United States Patent Number 6,085,128, July 4, 2000.
Binning, P., Hope, A.S., Soyka, M.T., “Orbit Determination and Prediction Concept for NEMO, The Naval Earthmap Observer Program,” Proceedings of ION GPS Meeting, Nashville, TN., 1999.
Binning, P., Soyka, M.T., Middour, J., “Orbit Determination Using Space to Ground Differential GPS in NRL’s OCEAN Package,” Proceedings of AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Meeting, Girdwood, Ak., 1999.
Binning, P., “A Widelane Integer Resolution Technique for Relative Navigation Between Spacecraft,” Proceedings of ION GPS Meeting, Nashville, Tn, 1998.
Binning, P., Absolute and Relative Satellite to Satellite Navigation Using GPS, University of Colorado Ph.D. Thesis, 1997.
Binning, P., “Satellite Orbit Determination Using GPS Pseudoranges Under SA,” Proceedings of AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Meeting, Huntsville, Al., 1997.

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Alumni for Excellence in Public Service Award, Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Colorado (2025)
  • Awarded a certificate of completion for the Senior Executives in National and International Security Program, December 2017, John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Executive Education. (2017)
  • U.S. Department of Commerce Science and Technology Fellowship (ComSci) Program, Fellow (2007)
  • National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Senior Technical Civilian of the Quarter, AS&T (2005)
  • Certified Toastmaster, NRO Chapter of Toastmasters International (2004)
  • Co-Founder, NRO Chapter of Toastmasters International (2003)
  • U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Alan Berman Research Publication Award (2001)
  • U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Alan Berman Research Publication Award (2000)
  • Co-Patent holder, Patent 6,085,128, NRL Orbit Covariance Estimation and Analysis (OCEAN) System (2000)
  • Peer Reviewer, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (1999)
  • University of Cincinnati, Dr. Bradley M. Jones Memorial Award for Most Outstanding Aerospace Senior (1991)

Professional Organizations

American Astronautical Society


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Space Systems Engineering
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Space Systems Engineering
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Space Systems Engineering