Admissions Requirements

  • You must meet the general admission requirements that pertain to all master’s degree candidates.
  • Applicants typically have at least two years’ experience in engineering or the healthcare field.
  • A detailed professional experience résumé must be submitted.
  • When reviewing an application, your academic and professional background will be considered.
  • If you are an international student, you may have additional admission requirements.

Degree Requirements

  • Ten courses must be completed within five years.
  • The curriculum consists of seven required core courses (21 credits) and three elective courses (9 credits).
    Students must take EN.655.662 Intro to Healthcare Systems Engineering first and should take EN.655.771 Healthcare Systems either concurrently or immediately after.
    The remaining core courses should be taken in sequential order and must be completed prior to taking an elective.

    In rare circumstances, a student may take a course out of sequential order with advisor approval.
    Subject to advisor approval, an elective may be substituted for a core course if the student has previously completed an equivalent graduate-level course. Students are advised to take EN.655.800 after all other core and elective courses have been completed.
    A student may take EN.655.800 in the same term as their final elective course with advisor approval. Course selections outside of the core and elective courses listed below must be approved by an advisor prior to selection.
  • Subject to advisor approval, an elective may be substituted for a core course if the student has previously completed an equivalent graduate-level course.
  • Students are advised to take EN.655.800 after all other core and elective courses have been completed. A student may take EN.655.800 in the same term as their final elective course with advisor approval. Course selections outside of the core and elective courses listed below must be approved by an advisor prior to selection.
  • Electives may be chosen from a selected list of courses in the Bloomberg School of Public Health (, the Applied Biomedical Engineering program ( or from the Systems Engineering program (
  • Only one grade of C can count toward the master’s degree.

Course Planning and Search

Wondering what course to take when or which courses are required? Use these helpful course planning and course search tools to help map out your path to degree completion.

Academic Calendar

Find out when registration opens, classes start, transcript deadlines and more. Applications are accepted year-round, so you can apply any time.