Course Number
Primary Program
Course Format
Synchronous Online

This course examines tools and techniques used to lead software-intensive programs. Techniques for RFP analysis and proposal development are explored, and techniques of size estimation (function points, feature points, and lines-ofcode estimation) and the use of models such as COCOMO to convert size to effort and schedule are described. In addition, conversion of estimated effort to dollars and the effects of fringe, overhead, skill mix profiles, and staffing profiles on total dollar cost are explained. Moreover, techniques for estimating effort and planning the COTS intensive development programs are described, and tools and techniques for measuring process maturity and process efficiency (e.g., CMMi, Lean, Six Sigma, and Kaizen) are addressed. The course also investigates the formation and management of virtual teams, as well as techniques that can be used to ensure success in this environment. Finally, the course addresses topics that require collaboration between the project manager and human resources, such as personnel retention strategies, managing unsatisfactory performance, and formal mentoring programs. Prerequisite(s): Three to five years technical work experience is recommended.

Course Offerings

There are no sections currently offered, however you can view a sample syllabus from a prior section of this course.