Course Number
Primary Program
Course Format

This course examines advanced rendering topics in computer graphics. The course focuses on the mathematics and theory behind 3D graphics rendering. Topics include 3D surface representations including fractal geometry methods; visible surface detection and hidden surface removal; and surface rendering methods with discussion of lighting models, color theory, texturing, and ray tracing. Laboratory exercises provide practical application of these concepts. The course also includes a survey of graphics rendering applications (animation, modeling and simulation, and realistic rendering) and software. Students perform laboratory exercises using the C++ programming language.

Course Prerequisite(s)

EN.605.667 Computer Graphics or familiarity with three-dimensional viewing and modeling transformations.;Foundation Prerequisites for Cybersecurity Majors:EN.605.621 AND EN.695.601 AND EN.695.641

Course Offerings

There are no sections currently offered, however you can view a sample syllabus from a prior section of this course.