In this course, we build a real web application for a real client. We will go on a field trip to a selected business with a poor website and you get to see the client interview with identifying components of what you need to get out of that interview. We then go through the mockup process and then code the whole site from scratch, utilizing all the concepts we learn in the course. You will learn to create your own responsive design framework, and write your own media queries. In terms of technologies, we cover CSS in depth, including style conflict resolution, selectors types and how they work together, etc.; Twitter Bootstrap Framework (possibly), including the grid system; dive deep into Javascript, including Javascript DOM manipulation; utilize “raw” Ajax without any libraries to help us; and possibly touch on jQuery. We then take a deep dive into a Javascript framework, concentrating on concepts that are prevalent in a lot of modern front end frameworks. Prerequisite(s): Strong/mature programming skills in any programming language.
Course Prerequisite(s)
EN.605.202 Data Structures; EN.605.682 Web Application Development with Java or equivalent servlet and JSP experience.
Course Offerings
Front End Web App Development
08/26/2024 - 12/10/2024