Education History

  • B.S. Mathematics, University of Houston
  • M.A. Mathematics, Rice University
  • M.S. Computer Science, University of Maryland
  • M.S. Technical Management, Johns Hopkins

Work Experience

Lecturer, JHU Whiting School of Engineering, Engineering for Professionals


Continuous Flow Charts
Gieszl, Louis R
Simulation Journal, Simulation Councils, Incorporated, Volume 14, 1970

Continuous Flow Charts
Gieszl, Louis R
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 8621 Georgia Ave. Silver Spring, Md. 20910 1973

Computer Program Modularization [full version]
Gieszl, Louis R
Johns Hopkins University, 1973 – Mathematical models – 25 pages

Computer Program Modularization
Gieszl. Louis R
Applied Physics Laboratory Developments in Science and Technology, , APL/JHU, Fiscal Year 1974

The Art of Simulation: Some Tools and Techniques Developed at the Applied Physics Laboratory
Gieszl, Louis R.
APL/JHU DST -2, March 1978

An Equivalence Among Simulation Techniques:
Event-Store/ASTN/Hierarchical Decision Tables
Gieszl, Louis R.,
Proc. 1978 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 1978

HINT* For An Intelligence Bank
International Conf. Interactive Techniques in Computer Aided Design, pp 378-383
Palazzo Dei Congressi, Bologna, Italy, Sep 1978
*Hierarchical Interrogation

A Mini-Micro Architecture Enables Main Frame Multi-Sided Interaction,
Gieszl, Louis R.; Freeman, Robert
Proc. ISMM 11th International Symposium on MINI and MICROCOMPUTERS, Asilomar Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, CA, pp.36-41, Jan 1980

Development of an Interactive Warfare Simulator
Gieszl, Louis R; Marrow, John W.
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Vol 1, Num 1, pp. 52-54, 1980

Decision Table Manipulation for a Knowledge-Based System
Gieszl, Louis R
Proc Summer Simulation Conference, Seattle, WA, pp. 145-149, Aug 1980

Gieszl, L.R.
Compsac82, The IEEE Computer Society’s Sixth International Computer Software Applications Conference, Chicago, IL, Nov 1982

Logical System Design With LCD’s.
Gieszl, Louis R
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science, pp. 30-37, 1983

Hint for Squint: A Computer Reliant Diagnostic Aid for Strabismus
Gieszl, L.R. ; Morris, J. ; Guyton, D.L.
Seventh Annual Symposium On Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC): Baltimore, Maryland, pp: 848 – 851, Jan 1983

CAP/Tanker: A Model Based Rule-Driven Expert System
Gieszl, Louis R
ORSA, IEEE Conference on AI in Engineering, GW University, 1986

Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to AEGIS by Year 2000
Gieszl. Louis R
NWA-86-036, Naval Warfare Analysis Department, APL/JHU, Jun 1986

RSC-Aid Aegis Radar System Controller Expert System
Gieszl. Louis R
NWA-87-051, Naval Warfare Analysis Department, APL/JHU, Aug 1987

Model Driven HINT for Squint
Gieszl, Louis R; Kaushal, Shalesh
Medical Informatics Europe ’87, Rome, Italy, pp:1116-1121, Sep 1987

Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) Prototype Traceability
Gieszl. Louis R
NWA-89-049, Naval Warfare Analysis Department, APL/JHU, Oct 1989

Computer Sabotage Part I: Understanding the Threat
Gieszl, Louis R
NWA-89-082, Naval Warfare Analysis Dept, APL/JHU, Nov 1989

Computer Sabotage Part II: The Solution
Gieszl, Louis R
NWA-90-011, Naval Warfare Analysis Dept, APL/JHU, Feb 1990

Software Engineering for Expert Systems: A `Proof’ that Software Engineering Really Works
Gieszl, L.R.
ICSI ’90., Proc of the First International Conference on Systems Integration, pp: 592 – 596, 1990

Traceability for integration
Gieszl, L.R.
ICSI ’92., Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Systems Integration

Groupware for Warfare Analysis
Gieszl, Louis R
Groupware 93: Proceedings of the Second Conference, 1993, pp 447-456, Aug 1993

Meeting Engineering Using Electronic Seminar Support Systems
Gieszl, Louis R
NWA-94-016, Naval Warfare Analysis Department, Jul 1994

Honors and Awards

  • Sigma Xi (1959)
  • Graduate teaching fellowship at Rice Institute (now University) (1958)
  • Undergraduate Computer Lab Assistant at University of Houston (1957)
  • Benjamin Franklin National Scholarship at University of Pennsylvania (1955)

Professional Organizations