Education History

  • B.S. Mathematics and Computer Science, Colgate University
  • M.S. Computer Science, University of Rochester
  • M.S. Computer Science, Stony Brook University
  • Ph.D Computer Science, University of Rochester

Work Experience

Senior Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory


Detoxifying Online Discourse: A Guided Response Generation Approach for Reducing Toxicity in User-Generated Text, R Bose, I Perera, B Dorr, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Social Influence in Conversations, 2023
Psychologically-valid generative agents: A novel approach to agent-based modeling in social sciences, Mitsupolous et al, Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium Series, 2023
Contractual AI: Toward More Aligned, Transparent, and Robust Dialogue Agents, CJ Bates, R Bose, RG Keeney, VA Kazakova, Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium Series, 2023
Towards resolving ambiguity in semantic parsing with hints, R Bose, University of Rochester
SkeletonScore: Guiding a Semantic Parser to Better Results by Example, R Bose, J Allen, The Thirty-First International Flairs Conference, 2018