Johns Hopkins Engineering for Professionals provide a number of academic support services for students. Whether you need tutoring or assistance planning your courses through graduation, we have faculty and staff resources who are here to help you succeed.
How To Apply
Hopkins prestige with flexibility.
Student Resources
Need additional help in course? Search our database of knowledgable tutors who cover a number of topics and subjects.
Register for Courses
Course registration begins in July, October, and March for each term. You can apply anytime. Be sure to register soon. Courses fill up quickly.
Graduation Information
Ready to graduate? Get the details for the ceremony procedures and guidelines to apply for graduation.
Student Advising
Each program has dedicated student academic success coordinators and faculty advisors to help with course selection and more.
Contact Us
Our Student Academic Success Office is here to help you with general advising and registration questions and to provide you with academic resources. We look forward to assisting you as you work toward your academic goals.