Collage of illustrations showing autonomous vehicles and smart cities

Information Systems Engineering Program Overview

Become a technical leader that guides and manages the development of large and complex intelligent system-of-systems. Gain deep technical skills through courses designed and taught by senior executive engineers and extraordinary research faculty. As a graduate, you will be fully equipped to take on leadership positions in any organization, making strategic and well-informed technical decisions. These positions include Technology Manager, Chief Engineer, Lead Data Architect, Principal Intelligent Systems Designer, Internet of Things (IoT) Architect, and more.

You have the option to choose a focus area or collaborate with an advisor to customize your degree to meet your professional goals.

Technical Management Focus Area

Hone your talents to become a technical manager of complex system-of-systems programs, develop technical depth to grasp the complexities of intelligent and information systems and acquire skills to manage their development lifecycle, and learn methods for informed and data-driven decision support. Two general categories of courses under this focus area are:

  • Program Management: Manage complex and dynamic systems engineering projects.
  • Enterprise Engineering: Manage the engineering lifecycle of real-world intelligent system-of-systems.

Data Architect Focus Area

Develop your skills to become a lead data architect who ensures that insights produced by advanced information systems are accurate and defensible. Two general categories of courses under this focus area are:

  • Data Analytics: Architect data analytics pipelines to provide maximal insight into information while maintaining the integrity of both the stored data and the results.
  • Data Engineering: Engineer large data systems to enable sensemaking and decision support using modern AI techniques.

Intelligent Systems Focus Area

Develop your skills to become an intelligent systems designer of multi-faceted and agile intelligent systems that utilize innovative technologies and techniques. Two general categories of courses under this focus area are:

  • Intelligent Systems Engineering:Assure the performance and accuracy of high-stakes and time-critical systems that are complicated by the unpredictability of intelligent components.
  • Human-Centered Engineering: Develop collaborative human-machine teams to gain insights from information, to assist in high-level decision making based on synthesizing low-level data, and to achieve goals while maintaining safety and reliability even under adversarial conditions

Internet of Things (IoT) Focus Area

Develop your skills to become an architect that designs, builds, and secures modern IoT enterprise systems whose foundations are built upon cyber systems. Two general categories of courses under this focus area are:

  • Smart Systems:Learn the principles of employing the internet of things to achieve “smart” enterprise capabilities.
  • Cybersecurity: Master the art of securing your system-of-systems infrastructure in highly-connected and vulnerable cyber ecosystems.
focus area requirements

Information Systems Engineering Certificate

Take 4 classes to earn an Information Systems Engineering certificate in one of the 3 focus areas. Each certificate requires students to take the 3 foundation courses plus one of the designated classes from the selected tracks.

Program Options

We offer various program options for Information Systems Engineering; you can earn a Master of Science in Information Systems Engineering, graduate certificate or a post-master’s certificate. These options can be completed online or with a mix of in-person courses.

Information Systems Engineering Courses

Get details about course requirements, prerequisites, focus areas, and electives offered within the program. All courses are taught by subject-matter experts who are executing the technologies and techniques they teach. For exact dates, times, locations, fees, and instructors, please refer to the course schedule published each term.

Proficiency Exams

A proficiency exam is available in Information Systems Engineering. If you have not completed the necessary prerequisite(s) in a formal college-level course but have extensive experience in these areas, may apply to take a proficiency exam provided by the Engineering for Professionals program. Successful completion of the exam(s) allows you to opt-out of certain prerequisites.

Program Advisors

Knowledgeable and supportive advisors are here to help guide you through the online Masters in Information Systems. Take a look at our specially designed advisor page to get answers to your questions about admissions, prerequisites, and so much more.

Program Contacts

Program Committee

David Silberberg, Program Chair
Principal Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Anthony N. Johnson, Program Manager
Senior Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

David Bader
Professor and 
Director of the Institute for Data Science
New Jersey Institute of Technology

John “Jack” Callahan 
CTO of Veridium
Principal Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Jeff Chavis
Principal Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Laura Freeman
Director, Intelligent Systems Division—National Security Institute
Virginia Tech

James Hendler
Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Dennis Patrone​
Principal Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Wende Peters
Senior Vice President & Technology Manager
Cyber Defender Platform Integration & Automation
Bank of America

Jane Pinelis​
Supervisor, Tactical Intelligent Systems Group, Applied Physics Laboratory

Lynn Reggia
Principal Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Hava Siegelmann
Provost Professor, Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lanier Watkins, Chair Computer Science and Cybersecurity
Principal Professional Staff
JHU Applied Physics Laboratory

Tuition and Fees

Did you know that 78 percent of our enrolled students’ tuition is covered by employer contribution programs? Find out more about the cost of tuition for prerequisite and program courses and the Dean’s Fellowship.

I liked the variety of courses offered through the different tracks of the ISE program. I took courses ranging from web security to big data processing to network engineering, which were all easily applicable to the work that I currently do. The number of courses offered online was exceptional as well.

Christina Torpey, ‘18 Information Systems Engineering

As a working mom of 3 children married to a husband with a rigorous work/travel schedule, the thing I enjoyed most about the course was the ability to operate autonomously/asynchronously. This was challenging at times for team projects when we all needed to have availability at the same time for brainstorming/discussion, but I was still able to work through it. I also thought each of my courses did a great job academically pushing me, while also providing me with material that was entirely relevant to my field. All-in-all, I very much enjoyed every aspect of this program!

Mary Galvin Information Systems Engineering

Information Systems FAQs

Pursuing an online master’s degree in management information systems can be a great choice for someone looking to use their passion for technology to drive business success. With a Master’s in Information Systems, you’ll be able to receive jobs in IT project management, web development, analytics, and work all the way up to the executive level for positions like Chief Technology Officer or Chief Information Officer.

If you’re still on the fence, don’t worry. Throughout your experience in the program, you will have access and are encouraged to speak frequently with your advisor to help determine the best course of action and study plan to meet your career goals.

The average salary for a master’s degree in information systems is around $86,000, though many senior-level holders earn much more.

You can still apply for the online Information Systems Engineering program even if you don’t have a background in engineering. You may need to take a proficiency exam. You may also apply and be accepted under provisional student status.

The standard recommendation is to enroll in one course to get used to the rigor, and after you demonstrate mastery of doing that, you can discuss expanding your course load with your advisor.

Prerequisite course requirements must be completed at a regionally accredited university/college, and you must have received a B- grade or higher. You may also have the option to take a proficiency exam if you do not have the course requirements but feel you have equivalent work experience.

Academic Calendar

Find out when registration opens, classes start, transcript deadlines and more. Applications are accepted year-round, so you can apply any time.